Are you experiencing any pain or discomfort because of medical conditions or an injury? Are you looking for massage therapy in Amityville NY? Broadway Diagnostic & Rehabilitation is here and consists of therapists that are well versed in this area of care and can relieve that pain! We understand that it can become very difficult to perform daily tasks or be physically involved in any activity when dealing with such pain. Along with relieving stress and relaxing, massage therapy can provide relief, heal injuries, and overall improve your health wellness. A licensed massage therapist can help you achieve that with the right pressure and movement techniques. Massage therapy in Amityville NY is available at Broadway Diagnostic & Rehabilitation.
What is Massage Therapy?
In massage therapy, a professional will manipulate the soft tissues like your muscle, connective tissues, tendons, or ligaments by using certain degrees of pressure and movement. This treatment aids in making blood flow in the affected area, which reduces swelling and relieves pain and discomfort.
What Can Massage Therapy Treat?
Medical professionals may recommend massage therapy to help cope with pain and reduce stress because it is a non-invasive treatment method. If dealing with any of the below, it is best to schedule an appointment for massage therapy with our team:
- Sports injuries
- Fibromyalgia
- High blood pressure
- Sciatica
- Muscle strains and stiffness
- Joint inflammation
- Range of motion issues
Seeking Massage Therapy
Broadway Diagnostic & Rehabilitation is here to inform you of the right time to schedule an appointment for massage therapy in Amityville NY. Patients can get the most out of their massage therapy sessions if the below signs are occurring:
- Pain linked to physical training
- Pain that has not responded to other forms of treatment
- Facing a limited range of motion in an affected area
- Pain and discomfort interfere with ability to sleep
- Headaches resulting from pain
Broadway Diagnostic – Massage Therapy in Amityville NY
Whether it’s a sports injury, body ache, stress, or even relaxation, massage therapy is the best route to go when looking for a treatment that causes no further complications. Patients shouldn’t have to deal with this kind of pain and discomfort that affects their daily lives, and treating it is the best solution. Schedule an appointment or call us today to learn more or seek massage therapy in Amityville NY!